青年日报(Youth Daily News)

基本信息 文字广告:
青年日报电子版 报刊名称:青年日报
英文名称:Youth Daily News
刊 期:
报刊分类:报纸 综合报
所属城市:台湾省 台北市
电子版官网: https://www.ydn.com.tw/
手机版官网: 暂无
说明: 本站仅提供报刊网址导航链接,报刊公共介绍信息,免费并方便网站用户导航和点击。电子报刊链接里面资源内容并非本站生产和提供。
报纸介绍 我要编辑
青年日報(Youth Daily News)為中華民國政府發行的官方報紙。民國41年,國防部總政治作戰部為武裝官兵思想、強化精神戰力,期團結文武青年完成革命任務,決定創辦青年戰士報。經半年之籌備規劃,於41年10月10日,創刊於臺北市,報紙篇幅為四開一張小型報,僅對軍中發行。為擴大文宣成效,於73年10月10日奉令更名為青年日報。




The Youth Daily News is a newspaper published by the Government of the Republic of China. Back in 1952, the General Political Warfare Department decided to found the Youth Warrior Daily for arming servicemen’s thought and enhancing strength of faith as a means to unify young civilians and soldiers and complete revolutionary missions. After a half-year preparation, it started publication on October 10, 1952. The Youth Warrior Daily was an internal newspaper, with a quarter-cut paper, only published in the military. In order to improve its informational impact, the Youth Warrior Daily was renamed as the Youth Daily News on October 10, 1984.

As a platform for promoting military information efforts, besides those ordinary news report similar to other media counterparts, the Youth Daily News focused on governmental and defense-related news. Through newspapers, YDN website, Facebook, Flickr, YouTube and APP, the Youth Daily News can broadcast information of military readiness & training, all-out defense events and other activities in a real-time basis after it was transformed as a digitized professional military journalistic organization.

To integrated our military informational services, the Youth Daily News merged New China Publisher and began to manage Endeavor, Victorious, Home, Sweet Home periodical journals, internet E-book authorization and digitalized creative art work design. The YDN since became a multi-purpose military information organization. On January 1, 2018, Home & Sweet Home journal merged Victorious magazine and re-arranged as a bimonthly journal.

New China Publisher was former Youth Army Publisher during the War of Resistance against Japan, which was under Central Military Committee. After the Great Victory of War against Japan, the Government Information Office took over Youth Army Publisher and renamed it as New China Publisher, which was responsible for publishing several journals including Nation-Construction Youth fortnightly, Cultural Intelligence weekly, Military Digest and Chinese Pictorial. The first two journals were also available for the public.


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