缪斯杂志(Muse Magazine)

基本信息 文字广告:
缪斯杂志电子版 报刊名称:缪斯杂志
英文名称:Muse Magazine
刊 期:
报刊分类:期刊杂志 科技科普
电子版官网: https://www.musemagazine.it/
手机版官网: 暂无
期刊介绍 我要编辑
《Muse》(缪斯)是北美拥有百年历史的知名出版机构Cricket Media出版集团旗下一本自然科学类儿童杂志,适合9-14岁少年阅读。《缪斯》主要是关于太空、基因、热带雨林、计算机、物理、数学、视觉艺术、地球科学等前沿科技方面的内容,满足少年儿童对新事物的好奇心,激发孩子们对自然科学进行研究和探索的兴趣。


Muse magazine is a children's magazine aimed at kids between the ages of nine and fourteen who love to learn about new things. The magazine delights children with stimulating images, articles on space, information on genetics, and more. It is sponsored by the Smithsonian, so you can be sure your child will be getting solid information.
Muse magazine has articles about just about anything your child could want to know about the world. If your child likes to learn about physics, math, or earth sciences, there are full-page articles about scientists, mathematicians, problem solving, and the way the planet works, so they will be more educated than ever.

The magazine is great for children of either gender, and it is written in a way that allows kids to easily read and understand the text. The readings are designed to challenge the minds of young readers, so your child will be able to learn and develop critical thinking skills. With beautiful imagery from rain forests, the universe, and more, your child can see what the world and space offer.

Stimulate your child's imagination and taste for knowledge with this magazine, which answers almost any question he could ask. Whether your child is interested in genetics and why he has freckles or the visual arts and color palettes, Muse magazine will provide the answers and interesting facts about the subjects that will delight. Curious children will enjoy reading the varied articles, and the interesting variety of topics helps introduce different things to young minds.


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